19 Aug

Winter is the time of the kidneys, which must be protected and nourished. 
This is done by storing our energy rather than expending it.
It is the most yin of the seasons. 

Winter follows autumn, when ideally we gather that which nourishes us and let go of that which is no longer of use to us.
It is now time to store what we gathered and to allow our systems to rest in stillness.
The dominant element now is water, which naturally flows downward, cleanses, nourishes and goes very calm and still when not disturbed.
When water is still the sediment settles out of it and it becomes clear and reflective, like a mirror.

In the colder, quieter months, focusing on kidney health can be key to maintaining balance and to store what we gathered.
Here are some tips to help nurture stillness and promote kidney wellness during winter:

  1. Embrace the Power of Stillness
    Winter invites us to slow down and turn inward, which is deeply restorative for kidney health. Activities such as meditation, Qigong, Tai Chi, or gentle yoga can help maintain the flow of energy and prevent the stagnation that can lead to imbalance in the body.
  2. Regular Exercise - I recommend Qigong
    While it’s important to embrace stillness, regular moderate exercise is vital to keep the blood flowing and assist the kidneys in their function of filtering waste from the bloodstream. Dress warmly.
  3. Connect with Nature - practice Qigong outside
    Connecting with nature can have a profound impact on our well-being and kidney health. If possible, spend time outside, even in winter. Daylight exposure can help combat seasonal affective disorder and support better sleep and overall health.
  4. Manage Stress with Emotional Wisdom Qigong
    High stress levels can negatively affect every organ in your body, including the kidneys. Managing stress through Qigong supports kidney health and general well-being. Winter can be a great time to explore these techniques as we naturally move towards reflection during this season.
  5. Keep Warm
    Traditional Chinese Medicine teaches that cold can seep into the kidneys and weaken them, so keeping warm is crucial. 
  6. Detoxify Your Environment
    Reducing the toxic load in your environment can help unburden your kidneys. Use natural cleaning products, minimize plastic use, and avoid chemical air fresheners to maintain a kidney-friendly home.
Going deeper into the essence of Kidney Qigong:

Also our mind needs to rest.The kidneys are closely associated with the fundamental drive that is called ‘zhi’ in Chinese. Zhi is often translated as ‘will power’. Most fundamentally it is the survival instinct, that which keeps us going in the darkest times. In less extreme situations it is that which identifies and works towards goals and things that we want.Now is not the time to activate the zhi, which would call on the energy of the kidneys. Rather we should put away our desires in Winter and let them rest. In this time of letting go and quietening desire. Let's have a closer look into desire and wishes.

Usually, we are only briefly satisfied with the fulfillment of our desires, but can we truly relax?

In Qigong Winter, water element and the kidneys inspire us:
to point to a more subtle option, which is letting go of the desire itself, which leads to a much deeper and more lasting stillness.

Emotional Wisdom Qigong: Kidney sound:

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